Sunday, January 08, 2006

Went for Nuance's gig today. I tried taking pics with an SLR today with Kodak 800 Supra. Will see results soon...
Seen what a 50mm prime lens did today as well. I swear I must get it with my camera when I get the cash. Debs says she doesn't mind passing me her F70 for free, all I have to do is repair it myself. So, that means I just pay for the repair and I got myself a free SLR! So now I can just concentrate on getting myself my 50mm lens! Goodness, you gotta see for yourself to see the clarity in the pics taken. Gorgeous quality.

Had tulang for the first time in my whole life at Newton. It will not be my last. I believe there will be more. But I could feel my arteries starting to clog up and my body getting heavier with each piece I savour. Furthermore, with the lack of exercise, I believe the risk of getting a heart attack is catching up with the risk of lung cancer. Hmm, I wonder which one I will die of.

I gotta brace myself for the next few coming weeks. Just the thought of it makes me frown. God help us. If I seem to have disappeared for the next 1 month or 2, I'm not dead from a heart attack or lung cancer yet. I'll be tied down with work. School work. Sigh.

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