Wednesday, November 02, 2005

This site so rocks.
If you have a thirst for local indie music and other indie stuff 24hrs a day, this is the place for you.
Thanks to candice for introducing this splendid place!

I've been down with a fever since monday. I hope I don't get dengue... I feel weak and can't do much. I thought I got better on tues but when night came, it all got worse. Today, I had to drag myself to see the doctor. Thanks to the medicine, I at least still have the strength to use the internet. I hope I get better tomorrow as I have a shoot on fri morn. I wonder if the fever came from the dog who bit my finger on sat..

Innocence or maturity. Which would be a better choice? To stay young or to grow up quickly? Kids always say they'd love to grow up and be an adult soon. Adults always say they want to stay young forever and be 18 or whatever. Right now, I'm stuck in between. I want to grow up quickly, and at the same time I would want to be young forever. I've always been a walking contradiction. I'm a poor decision maker, and I always change my mind at the last min. It's not easy for me to make up my mind on something. I am a 'what if' person.

Ive been having a fever too,it sucks big time.Nice blog by the way :)Hope you feel better****
oh...almost forgot,im caught up in that dillema too,what I do is try to enjoy the good part of both.Try too feel good because im young,and enjoy my mind,because ive always felt older in my head... ive been wanting to stay young since forever.;)
Sorry, but I always like to ask the same question. Who's this?
some random surfer? his blog is .pt, portugal

anyway, for that site, is there a way to get the songs? other than tuning in
hey jeff, i doubt so. Just listen and enjoy the goodness of indie music!
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