Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Once more, I can't sleep.
I gotta wait till it's a little later before being a little tired.
Caught 'The Maid' today at the preview.
Well, I ain't gonna talk much about it.
Go watch it and tell me about it.

Just finished compiling some notes for a short presentation later in the afternoon.
Will try attempt to wake up in the morn to do the slides.
If not, I will just read off the notes and give a shitty presentation.
Am enjoying this Patti Smith bootleg I downloaded from the net.
It's so raw. Lovely.
Patti Smith - Horses 30th annivesary Meltdown festival 2005.

Just updated writewrite.blogspot.
It seems that I get inspiration only once a month.
Oh well, that's what happens when you got no arty genes.
I found that out thanks to a module I take called 'Film as Art'.
How ironic.
I practically slept for most of the films screened for us to study.
And some of them are actually great classics..
How could I have slept?
I blame it entirely on the preview theatre where our lessons are held.
Too comfy.
But heck, it's just me.
I can watch boring flicks in cinemas and wonder why I don't fall asleep, but I KO when there're great classics screened in school.
I think my teenage school mentality is still in me..
Hope not. I'd rather blame it on the preview theatre.
Passion please pull me through these tough times!

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