Sunday, June 19, 2005

At last bootcamp is over!
2 days of shooting is tiring, and they're not even 12hr or 16hr days.
I guess its because of the rush and the fact that I run more than when I was a PA.
But I'm so loving this feeling even though there's fatigue.
It's been some time since I've been on a shoot and I really enjoy getting this feeling again.
I already can't wait to shoot Narrative A, which would be a longer short at 10 - 15mins in 4 days(bootcamp short is 3mins in 4hrs).
Watched Bertrend Lee's shorts in school with M and director.
He is such a talent filled young director, and it's so sad to see him in such a plight.
I've always wanted to watch 'Birthday' some time back but actually missed the timing for the screening.
It is a fantastic short.
So real, it kinda pinches you.
The acting was wonderful.
So, if any of you out there intend to watch it, and to aid Bertrend in his recovery, you can actually still catch his two shorts, 'Trishaw', and 'Birthday' at GV Grand I THINK on the 7th July. for more information and to confirm that it's on the 7th July.

Everytime I watch such good films by local filmmakers, I will always have this thought in my mind. "Gee, when will I ever do something that fantastic?"
My thought is now closer to confirmation after shooting in school for bootcamp.
As the assigned dop, I was kinda lost, and couldn't bring out all the crap that I have from watching films, like "that should have been darker!", "The colours should have more contrast!", "The shot is too warm/cold!".
I am only a noise maker.
When it came to the real thing, I just stone.
"Gee, when will I ever do something that fantastic?"

Thought of the day, and most days - "Why do I always think so much?"

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