Saturday, January 08, 2005

Life is good.
I think.
HMV had an ultimate sale.
It was the first time I felt so good buying loads of CDs.
Well.. 8 CDs actually.
Although they're really cheap and good, I still do not understand why I'm so willing to spend money on stuff which I shouldn't be spending on right now because of how poor I am.
But, I always believe in one thing.
I'd better do it now before the chance slips by.
That explains why I watch tons of movies, being afraid to miss them and never watch them again. Especially the indie ones, which you will never find on dvds, vcds, or mpeg.

Now I've got a good lobang for all you movie lovers or whatevers.
GO WATCH 'HEAD ON'. (I guess weekdays cineleisure coz they don't have it on weekends)
It's the best show I've catched in 2005. (Well, we're only like 8 days into it..)
Jokes aside, this is a really fantastic show.
Good story, bloody good delivery, ok filming.
Please go watch this show.

Oh yes.
I got my other ear pierced as well.
So now I've got a balanced head.
2 on 2.
Funny, I'm listening to radiohead's 2+2=5.

Yes. I am corny. Kill me.

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