Thursday, January 13, 2005

Just woke up to loud music thanks to my brother.
And to my mum for the loud chatter.
Everyday I wake up in the morning, I try to figure what I've got for the day.
I realise each day that there's NOTHING.
Help, this 'lying in wait' thing isn't really working very well.
But I can't give up now.
I've been waiting too long, given up too many things up till now.
As Force Vomit would sing, 'Don't give up!'

Was at Hideout last night for a short Tiramisu gig.
Fantastic, even without Ridzwan's multiple costume changes or prancing around.
Friday is Astreal's turn to take the stage.
Can't wait already.
January seem to be the month for music.
I can't imagine how many gigs I'll be going for just this month alone.
What I need now is just the money to finance my meals out and my alcohol out. Not forgetting fags.
Sunday, Serenaide at P.O.W.
Must go.

Time to give the world my birthday wishlist.
(note: wishlist doesn't go in any order of priority or cost. Please donate generously.)

1) Ipod (20gig will do fine)
2) Digital cam (SLR?)
3) Laptop (Anything will do, but powerbook sounds good)
4) Organizer (cheapest? hmm..)
5) CDs, probably Nirvana's boxset? ($145 isn't enough)
6) PS2
7) Anything I can wear
8) My bike fixed
9) My driving license with car attached
10) New handphone
11) a woman who understands

All donors are welcomed to donate cash as well as the proceeds will be used in purchasing the above items. Your donations are very well appreciated.

eh, so free come to Arts Museum to visit lah... the Botero works are really nice.. and they've got Russell Wong's photo exhibit... even got workshops conducted by him on certain days.... :) As for your birthday wish list... hmm....... :p
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