Friday, August 06, 2004
Oh my goodness. This line blew me away.
"We should cry at the birth of men, not at their death."
It's such a sad but true line. To me.
I know that birth is a miraculous thing and stuff, but if the kid's not brought up well, he suffers.
After birth, he cries in agreement to the pain and suffering he's going to meet.
Later, the agony of school ties him down.
Work breaks him down.
All he does, is to live, while the clock ticks, awaiting death.
But isn't it up to the individual to fight this stereotype lifestyle that's lying in ambush, slowly killing us with it's slow venom?
Don't we want to whiff a breath of fresh air?
Her grasp, holding us tight in her bosom, allowing us to feel her warmth and it's tenderness.
Liberty. Don't we want to lie in her comfort?
Whose life do you want to lead?
We all know the answer, but let's hope we can find it.