Monday, May 03, 2004

Programmed for progress
Made for deceitful lies
Executed for progress
trained to replace the misplaced

We are but empty pieces
on a board, being played by our makers
We can only watch
And not move, as we fulfill destiny
which isn't our own

Made for different purposes
We're chosen to fill the gaps of a game
A game we name life.

I was watching TV yesterday, doing what I usually do on a boring day.
Channel surfing.
I was watching Dr Dolittle, Bolton Leeds, News, and a lotta other crap on TV.
Later on the reality show "The Real Beckhams" came up.
So much for the REAL beckhams.
It showed much of Victoria drowning in her snobbishness.
Beckham hardly spoke a word.
VB (Victoria Beckham) seemed so Lady Macbeth.
She went on and on, never leaving him a chance to speak. Even if he spoke, she would ALWAYS interrupt him and adding stuff like him beating her at being more famous and yada yada...
She openly flaunted her wealth on TV, pointing her scrawny finger at every item she sees.
"Oh that seems nice." There goes a coat.
"That's lovely!" There goes a hat.
"I don't know if David could wear this." There goes something else, a T-shirt I think.
Don't you agree she's a bitch?
The biggest contrast was this. I surfed into Channel U where they were showing this documentary about Touching Hearts Touching Lives which I think is the title.
They were showing about the life of this family struggling to keep their son alive and to upkeep the family. They needed money.
They showed old people who were penniless, doing chores in a home which kept them alive for the time-being.
What is this!!?? Where is the world heading???????
Is this right????
Thousands of branded shoes laid up in Beckham's closet, but just a pair of worn slippers for an old women.
A pink diamond for a wife who thinks of nothing but fame and fortune, but a filthy bed for a sick boy, made filthy from the uncontrolled bowel movements, who thinks of nothing but ways to keep alive.
I was disturbed by these scenes of life.
I want to know what God has in mind for us people. Why this?
But I still believe that God has a purpose for everything. Call it blind faith.
If I knew, I'd be God wouldn't I?

Where can we find a balance?
To my left, the rich and snobbish
To my right, the poor and suffering
There's no way ahead
It's just a dead end
And you can't retreat.
Blindly a choice is made.
A choice of regret.

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