Sunday, May 02, 2004

Just watched a play this evening.
I really love the passion and sincerity out of local productions.
You can practically hear these people behind the scene screaming out to be heard.
Give these people a break. A clean break.
They need recognition for their efforts, and for the spirit amongst the low budget that they keep.
Be it just for a momentary glimpse.

Follow that dream.
"What dream? Whose dream?"
Those words came to me when I heard that line.
Are we following OUR dreams? or SOMEONE else's dream?
I need courage. We need courage. All the courage in the world to be against all odds.
We don't dream on this island.
We can't.
We were taught not to dream.

The play really placed many thoughts into my head.
At times I have all these thoughts rushing throught my head but I've got nowhere to jot things down.
Only sometimes I do write on paper, but that's a rarity.
I guess I have to carry out a notebook wherever I go.
But let's say in the middle of a movie or concert or play etc. How do I write!?
I've gotta think of something.. PDA? Argh. Money matters.
Further more I blasted a red light today. I guess that costs me $200 with 12 points.
Who cares bout the points. It's the money I'm worried about!

Help. Soccer tmr at 9. I'm dead beat.

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