Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Short entry.
3 things I'm gonna talk about that happened like less then 2 hours back.

1)I saw her again. The one whom I've not seen for 10 years. Once more, I denied myself a simple hello.
Well, she didn't reply to the message I left for her in friendster... So I think it's obvious.

2) I went to M's place to pass her a CD I bought just for her. She wanted a burnt copy, so I thought why not get the original one for her? The thing is, I went down to her place just to pass it to her. Am I falling into the loop again? I hope not. The excuse I gave myself is that "it's on the way". Yah right.

3) Watched The Passion of The Christ. I give it 2 out of 5 stars. 1 bonus star for the gore and blood. Basically, just go read your bible. It's original, and it covers more detail. This show is just for sensuality's sake. The whole show is basically Jesus carrying the cross(which covers like 1/2 the whole show) to the place where he meets his death. I wonder if they're gonna come up with a sequel "The Resurrection of the Christ". What an original name for a movie! Or maybe "The Passion of the Christ 2". Ha.

Bothered bothered bothered.

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