Tuesday, April 24, 2007

At last, a new post for writewrite.
I'm glad that birdmandog is moving on now. It's no longer something we just talk about and hope something would happen. We are planning ahead and have a goal. Birdmandog is a film collective among friends with a common passion. We want to make films, and we are a group dedicated to producing various films on a constant basis. We want to achieve something. I'm really glad I got to make friends with Ler whom I met on 'The Maid' bout 2 1/2 years ago in end 2004. This is what I've been hoping for and I hope it happens. That birdmandog will be somewhere in 5 to 10 years time.

So, if you do hear of birdmandog in the near future, do remember to give us your support. In the end, it still has to be you people we need the most support from. Support local film, and not forgetting local music.

We must move on!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

At last I had the chance to go to a big scale musical thanks to the girl. She got tickets for us to watch the Phantom's last appearance in Singapore (I think). But the thing is, I don't understand some logic at how sistic charge for the seats at the Esplanade theatre. We got the very last row in the whole theatre, and it costs us the 2nd most expensive price. The most ex is $160, and the cheapest is $40. We got the $120 tickets. Its a bit bizzare right? The stage was really far and it was really difficult to catch the performance in its full glory. The last row! Why??? Anyway, the performance was ace, and I really loved how the sets changed quickly, and how they changed the perspective of the set. Amazing. The props were fantastic too. Thumbs up for the Phantom of the Opera! And I feel kinda bad as I wasn't really interested in going at first, but kudos to the girl for dragging me there. If not for her 'surprise', I wouldn't have had such an experiance. To more musicals! (I hope)

Anyway, today while I was taking a dump, I had an epiphany. Before I talk about what it's about, I shall first start with how it came about. Recently I've been really worried. What's gonna happen in the future? Will I have sufficent funds for my future? A family? A shelter above my head? My parents in old age? My children? This brought me into fear. Fear for my future. My work don't pay much, and I spend loads on unneccessary stuff. This desperation brought me to people I used to be skeptical about. No, it isn't my pastor or church, but financial advisors and insurance. I realise that I have been stubborn all along and that these things are really quite important. I can grow my wealth (whatever I have), and I can plan for my future, and also my family's future. I believe its good if we start early. The earlier we start, the more prepared we'll be for the future.

OK, back to the dump, I was thinking. The meaning of life. Yes yes... The same old question. I know. But I was thinking, what is it to some people? Money? Finding the right job? Love? What is it? And then I thought, why should I question the meaning of life, or what it means to others? What does life mean to ME? I thought back and I went through many things that happened to me. My work, my future, my finances. Are those my greatest worries? Is that the meaning of life for me? But later I realised that all that I have done so far is to make myself happy now, and also for the future. My way of life is to be happy. I want myself to be happy. It is my aim in life. I want to enjoy this life while I can, and for my loved one to be happy too.

Ok, after all the verbal puke, another add on for the sake of puking. I just noticed today that my dad has more white hairs on the back of his head. He is getting old.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

I know why I love the night. And why even though I'm tired and my eyes are desperately fighting to keep awake, I still find stuff to keep myself entertained, trying to keep the night close to me for as long as possible.
I was checking my emails just a while ago, when the silence of the night just hit me. It was unbelievably quiet. It was one of those rare instances where there weren't any hooligans getting rowdy downstairs, nor any cars or bikes screeching down the main road, nor any LRTs dinging or donging to announce their arrival. Just plain silence. I enjoyed it for as long as it lasted till a motorcycle went pass. It was amazing. Now the typing from my fingers seem loud and coarse too. I think we should all find our own quiet time wherever we are.
Peace out.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

The month of March has been a pleasant month for me. Had sufficient work to make me worry less about my financial status, been loving the girl more, and had lots of fun and drink.
I intend to cut down on the drink. It takes up lots of cash and it eats on my health. I go to work feeling like shit when I had a heavy night before. You just can't really focus well. But, the company is perfect, and I'll never get sick of them. My pool has improved, and I want to be Lot Stock's no.1 hustler of the table! The feeling of beating a player is so good, you just want more strangers to putting 2 coins into the slot for a challange.
My belly is getting bigger(as usual) due to the drinking. I still can see my toes, but its getting worrying. The girl doesn't mind, but I do!
I've been dating the girl for nearly 1 year now. I am very very happy and glad that it still feels like when we first started dating. I still do love her very much, and am very glad its her. If I won Toto now, I wouldn't mind marrying her too. I think. But I don't like thinking about it as I still like my youth, and marriage would just add responsibilities which I feel I'm not ready for YET.
But, girl if you're reading this, I LOVE YOU!
eeek. So mushy.

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